Baucher Snaffle Single jointed. Helps bending the poll and setting the head with a slight leverage effect. Allows to lift up horses who put too much weight...
Elliptical Link, SS Loose Ring & Lozenge Bit Loose ring snaffle with lozenge. Softer than single jointed snaffle as it reduces pressure on the tongue and...
Gag Bit Satin finish with thick mouthpiece and rings. Gag bits have an effect on the horse s balance. They encourage the front end to rise and help to...
Hippotonic Natural Mouth Balm Rich nourishing balm with real beeswax, honey and protective witch hazel extract. Nourishes, protects and keeps the skin...
John Whitaker 5 Point Gag Snaffle Mouth Bit The snaffle bit is a single jointed mouthpiece with a 'nutcracker' action that when the rider places pressure...